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Información del evento
I. General
The eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable and the thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee will be held at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from 9 to 11 September 2024 and on 11 September 2024, respectively. Both events will take place in the Ballroom.
II. Online registration and identification badges
Participants attending the meetings are required to register beforehand by completing the online registration form which can be accessed by clicking here or by copying and pasting the following link: https://eventos.cepal.org/event/162/.
Please note that registering through the online system does not exempt delegations from the requirement to provide official notification of the name of the head of delegation and all accompanying members.
Participants will be issued identification badges which, for security purposes, must be shown/worn at all meetings. Participants are advised that only those holding valid meeting badges will have access to the meeting rooms.
III. Meeting documents
- Documentation will be made available electronically prior to the meetings on the following websites:
Eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable:
Thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee:
https://cdcc.cepal.org/30/en. - Documents approved for circulation and/or distribution should be sent in an electronic format to the ECLAC secretariat. The secretariat will then undertake to electronically circulate these documents.
IV. Languages
- The working language of the seminar is English. There will be no interpretation.
- The working language of the Thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee is English. Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be provided, as well as sign language interpretation.
V. Internet access
Wireless Internet access will be available in the meeting spaces. The password for the Wi-Fi will be given to participants upon their arrival in the conference room.
VI. Hotel accommodation
Standard single rooms are available at the preferential rate of USD 144.28 per night (inclusive of breakfast, taxes and Wi-Fi) at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre.
o make your reservation, please click on the following link: https://group.hilton.com/uz5mam.
We encourage participants to take advantage of this offer and to make their reservation at this hotel no later than 4 September 2024. After that date, the hotel reserves the right to modify this preferential rate and cannot guarantee room availability.
VII. Immigration requirements
All visitors to Trinidad and Tobago must have a passport valid for a minimum of six months from the date of arrival. For further details, participants are advised to read the document on visa requirements for all countries.
VIII. Health
- It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure that they have all the vaccinations required to travel to Trinidad and Tobago.
- Note on yellow fever: A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission. For further information, please consult the following document from the World Health Organization: Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission and countries requiring proof of vaccination against yellow fever.
- COVID-19: https://health.gov.tt/covid-19.
- In case of accident or sickness during the meeting, please notify one of the members of the ECLAC secretariat immediately. It is the participants’ responsibility to take out, at their own expense, or at the expense of their nominating organization, any personal insurance policy they may deem necessary for the meetings.
IX. Local transport
- Participants should make their own transportation arrangements from the Piarco International Airport to the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre. Taxis are readily available at the airport and it is strongly recommended that participants approach only the official taxi drivers (official taxi vehicle with license plate starting with the letter “H”) who are in the airport arrival zone. Another option is to have the hotel arrange for your pickup.
- The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will provide transportation for Ministers from the International Airport to the hotel and back.
X. Responsibility
The United Nations will not assume responsibility for the following expenditures:
(a) Travel insurance, accident insurance, medical, dental bills or hospitalization fees in connection with their attendance at the meetings.
(b) Compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with their attendance at the meetings.
(c) Any loss or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meetings, or losses or damages claimed by third parties, as a result of negligence on the part of the participants. (d) Any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meetings.
XI. Coordination of the meetings
- The meetings are being organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean subregional headquarters for the Caribbean.
- For additional information on the Eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable, please contact Sheldon Mc Lean, Coordinator, Economic Development Unit, tel: +868 224 8074, email: sheldon.mclean@eclac.org or Ella Gaspard, Programme Management Assistant, Economic Development Unit, tel: +868 224 8066, email: ella.gaspard@eclac.org.
- For additional information on the thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee, please contact Sita Inglefield, Office of the Director, tel: +868 224 8062, email: sita.inglefield@eclac.org.
- For information on logistics for both events, please contact Aurélie Quiatol, Meeting Services focal point, tel: +868 224 8071, email: aurelie.quiatol@eclac.org.
XII. Country information
- Trinidad and Tobago is warm all year round, with air temperature ranging between 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) at the maximum and 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees Fahrenheit) at the minimum. There are two seasons; a dry season that lasts from about January to May and a rainy season that lasts from June to December.
- Electricity in Trinidad and Tobago is 115 Volts, alternating at 60 cycles per second. Adapters are generally available at hotels. A converter is required for devices that do not accept 115 Volts. A standard plug type used in Trinidad and Tobago is illustrated as follows:
- Participants are advised to exercise caution when on their own. They should not go to downtown Port of Spain at night and avoid badly illuminated or isolated areas. In case of emergency, kindly contact Juda Francis, Security focal point, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean at +868 312 8708.
- For additional information on Trinidad and Tobago, please visit the following website: https://visittrinidad.tt/.
XIII. Foreign exchange
The currency is the Trinidad and Tobago dollar (TTD). The United Nations rate of exchange as at 1 August 2024 is TTD 6.762=USD 1. United States dollars are widely accepted.